Easy sailing?
Sunday, November 20, 2016 at 9:04PM
Admin in the english journal

Life could be sunny and easy sailing...

This too long silence on the blog can only be explained by my lack of spare time. These past weeks, I was finishing my last field experience which ended my year of studies. I am now very happy to say that I FINISHED my Graduate Diploma in Education! I am waiting for my final overall mark but I already know that I passed all my units and had very encouraging reports from my supervising teachers. I am not sure who is the happiest about that:

Me? This year was very dense, intense and a real emotional roller coaster. These past 10 months went so fast and sometimes so slow too, definitely not easy sailing. I worked, worked and worked, neglecting my family and friends apologising endlessly because I couldn’t do more with them, be there when needed. I felt guilty and selfish. I didn’t take proper breaks so my stress level was palpable but the challenges were interesting.

Gregory? Who had to be more involved with the kids activities and any taxing required (few times pick ups were forgotten), more involved with any housework (on top of any boatwork), and who had to deal with my constant doubts, frustrations and stress.

Victor, Felix and Clea? Who had to see their mum disappear into her books and loads of theoretical readings, who couldn’t count on sweet treats baked from time to time, who couldn't count on their mum/s presence when there was a concert or a special occasion, who had to be compliant with their mum urgent requests (mainly regarding the dishes, laundry, clearing their cabins etc).

I am so grateful that they all helped me so much during this laborious time. They always supported me, believing in me. So I prefer to think that together we did it.

Now that it is all finished, that a science teaching position awaits me, I feel lighter, proud of my achievements and just so happy but I am also proud of my husband and children who were there whevever I needed them.

While I was busy finishing my assignments and preparing for my science lessons, the kids continued to impress us with their various success and achievements.

Felix fully organised a scout camp: booking the camp, planning the meals, going shopping, organising all the camping gear etc. Without any adult supervision, his little group of 5 managed to have a great camp, with lots of badge activities done and no problems.

Felix's Scout camp: start

Felix's camp: end

Last week end Felix participated in a Lego League Competition with three other school friends. For the past 3 months, they’ve been spending countless hours at school. As earlier as 7:00am or even during a school holiday, they were focusing on programming a robot that had to succeed 12 challenges pushing, carrying something, turning etc. On top of that, they had to build an app (details to come). Their robot had some little issues but their app allowed them to be selected to go to the Lego League Nationals which will be hold in Sydney in December.

At her school, Clea was nominated with her two friends to receive the school Community and Charity award for their composting bins project. I can’t deny that I am really proud of her determination to try to have a greener school.

Few days ago she was also elected House Captain. I never underestimated her leadership skills and I am very happy to see her taking such big responsibilities.

Victor just finished his last exams for his school year, meaning he has 1 year left at school! It is a scary thought for us as parents. He is still doing lots of climbing and also started training and inspiring 6-8 year old beginners on Saturday morning.

As you can all easily understand, we were more than overdue for a good relaxing family week-end, away from the city, the distractions, the constant buzz and my studying. Sailing stays our best means to be together, take our time, chat, play and be happy.

However the week-end didn’t start too smoothly. Friday afternoon, our water pump decided it was time to break. Greg had to spend his Friday evening replacing it so it would be easier for us to drink, have a shower and do the dishes than using a jerry can. As the tides weren’t the most favourable we set up a departure at 4:00am. That was very early, but we were planning to cross Moreton Bay and be at our favourite spot by 8:00am. At 7:00am I was surprised to have a phone call, even more surprise to hear that it was Brisbane police calling because my car was apparently badly parked and would be towed away soon. We managed to postpone the towing truck by a couple of hours, which allowed us to go south and anchor at Manly. I dropped Greg (who was the one who parked my car last!) who took a taxi as fast as possible and then, 2 minutes before our deadline, arrived at the spot and moved the car.

We anchored at the big sand dunes just before 2:00pm happier than ever to be there. By 2:30pm, we were at the dunes, enjoying the thin sands and sliding down the dunes.

Always a good to see our swimming costums drying

On our way back

We all relaxed, enjoyed the bay, the water and, most of all, a well deserved surrounding peace.

Article originally appeared on Merlin's Voyage (http://www.merlinsvoyage.net/).
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