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« Le temps passe en escale beaucoup plus vite | Main | Kings Bay, Tobago »

Felix the artist...

We are now in a very typical Caribbean space. Flat clear waters with palm trees and forests on the shore side. Some say it is one of the better spots in the Caribbean. This is Charlotteville Tobago!!

Today was great. It started with a crayfish dive, but couldn't see any crayfish. Then it was off to the beach for a picnic lunch with another French family with a 7 year old boy. They braaied the fish he caught that morning and the kids played in the water for about 4 hours. We also did some snorkeling on the nearby reef. Then it was back to the boat for a relaxed sundowner and dinner. The kids went to sleep as their heads hit the pillow as they were so tired. Emmanulle read some more and I fiddled with my dive gear.

Yesterday I dived out a windlass handle for another boat so we shared a good bottle of wine.

Felix has become the budding artist / businessman as he did two pictures and proceeded into town to sell them. He managed to sell them for a total of $10 to two locals. I think they were very impressed with his courage. He also lost a tooth tonight the tooth fairy may give him a few more $'s.

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